Aji Umba Red

Aji Umba is red. Acute Habanero is from Surinam in South America, The fruit is fresh fruit with notes of mango. The plant grows 80-90 cm tall, forming a lush shrub with flowers that range from 2 to 5 flowers per branch of each branch. Large leaves resembling tobacco leaves with a size of up to 10x18 cm. Aji Umba Red gives high yields of fruit, 4-6 cm in length and 3 cm in width. Fruits ripen from light green to dark red. The maturation period is 90-100 days. The plant is a perennial plant. Acuity 350,000 - 500,000 Scovilles

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Temų grupės

  • Pepper Variegated pepper
  • Christmas peppers
  • Jamaican Yellow Scotch Bonnet
  • Antillais Red Caribbean Habanero