Aji Umba

Aji Umba. (Capsicum chinense). This variety is a variety of Habanero. Fruits ripen from green to yellow and with full ripening of orange. The length of the fruit is 5 cm and 3 cm in width, and has a unique exotic fruit flavor, banana and peach. Aji Umba, this variety is very high-yielding. The height of the bush in the open ground is 60 cm, and in the flower pot about 40 cm. The maturation period is 90-100 days. The plant is a perennial plant. Acuity 350,000 - 500,000 Scovilles.

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Temų grupės

  • Bhut Jolokia Peach
  • Congo Yellow Trinidad
  • Brown Bhutlah SLP
  • Douglah Billyboy