Bhut Jolokia Mustard

Pepper-ghost (spirit-ghost) Mustard. Bhut Jolokia (Capsicum chinense). Bhut Jolokia Mustard is a very rare and very sharp sort of pepper. It originates from northeastern India. Bhut Jolokia is also known as pepper ghost. The fruit ripens from green to dark olive green and eventually acquires the color of mustard. This is extremely hot chili. The height of the bush is 1 to 1.2 meters. The maturation period is 120 days. Seed germination will take from 25 to 45 days. Acuity 800,000 ~ 1.001.300 Scoville.

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Temų grupės

  • Scotch Bonnet pepper
  • Peppa Purple Tangerine
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